Australia is a land of rugged beauty and mystery, and considering the sheer size of this beautiful continent, there’s only three people per square kilometre! From the dusty red centre, to the tropical rainforests and snowy mountains, Australia is a traveller’s delight.
With a population of twenty-three million, and a land mass the same size as the forty-eight lower states in the USA, much of this vast country is empty.
Australia has a wide range of climates, largely temperate, but the far northern states have tropical weather, while the lower south of the country can see snow in winter. There are many islands off the coastline that make premium honeymoon spots, and the centre of the country has deserts as far as the eye can see.
Cape Tribulation is a remote headland where the Wet Tropics Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef meet. The forest is dense, all the way down to the sand, and even then, it is just a strip before meeting the aqua waters. Cape Tribulation is incredibly isolated, with a population of 200-300 people, many living off the grid on remote properties.
This is a trip worth making — because of the isolation, the coastline is undeveloped, and if you chance to be there alone, the feeling of solitude is utterly exhilarating. The area is home to large saltwater crocodiles, so a croc tour is a must, but skip the swim at this spot! Instead, take a fast boat ride out to the Great Barrier Reef, or kayak out to nearby islands and explore at your leisure.
Tasmania is located 240 kilometres off southeast Australia
Corinna, Tasmania’s only surviving historic mining town, is 131 kilometres south-west from Burnie. Once a booming gold-mining town with two hotels, it’s now an eco-tourist hotspot, guaranteed to provide you with a true wilderness experience. Stay in a self-contained retreat or historic miner’s cottage on the banks of the Pieman River, surrounded by breathtaking Tasmanian rainforest.
Immerse yourself in the Tasmanian landscape on one of the many wilderness walks, or kayak down the river stopping to admire the birds or throw a line into the crystal-clear waters. If you are after a destination to recharge and rediscover nature at its finest, Tasmania is just the place.
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